Trago-vos este belo cenário para o FSX, para quem ja conhece o trabalho da aerosoft nem é precisso falar muito, pois as imagens falam por mim.
É uma pena nao ter ele para o fs9 mas para quem tem os 2 FS's tanto faz né?...
Descrições do cenário.
- Monaco/Fontvielle Heliport (LNMC ) in high detail
- Helideck on the Lady Moira, one of the biggest yachts in the world
- Good attention to framerates (but it IS dense and complex scenery)
- Sound effects added
- Animated seagulls over the harbor
- Much ship traffic all around
- Great attention to night effects
- Manual in French and English, with charts
- Two missions are included. The first is a short flight where you are scheduled to pick up some passengers waiting at the airport of Nice. It's not far away and the weather is fine. Enjoy the flight along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Follow the instructions given to you.In the second mission you pick up the waiting ladies at Nice airport, and don't forget their beauty cases.Then fly along the famous Côte d'Azur to Monaco.Follow the instructions from the air traffic controllers. There will be visual waypoint to assist you
Testado e aprovado!!!!
Bons voos.
Abraços:Duff :-))
cara n to conseguindo instalar, alguem me ajuda? fabioramos_fisio@hotmail.com